Sunday, December 31, 2006

Internet !!!

I first used computer and internet, during my first year in college, gradually from then onwards the time I spent on internet has increased and the time I spent on sports/other activities has decreased. Currently my 40% of time is spent on internet. Before I step out of bed, once I get up in the morning, I spend atleast 30 minutes reading/replying my mails. Once I am in office again I am glued to internet, and the story goes on after returning back to my hotel (ohh yes I am a nomad), reading news, reviews, orkut messages, blogs......I guess if I am not eating or sleeping I am on internet, and at times I think I am wasting all the precious time of my life being on internet !!!

This weekend, I was thinking about the same topic and thought of doing something different. So went to borders where I saw the book with the name "FREAKONOMICS", and that triggered a sequence of flash-backs, that took me to the flight to Dallas, where I saw the guy sitting next to me reading this book. The name seemed interesting and the conincidence that someone sitting next to me reading this book pointed to the fact that this wont be a boring one. So I bought it, read over the weekend and it turns out to be the best non-fictional book I have ever read. I was so charged up with this book that I went to internet searched for similar book and got a copy of "WORLD IS FLAT : A BRIEF HISTORY OF 21st CENTURY" and so far so good. First chapter is amazing, all about India :)

Will write the review once I finish it. One of my new year resolution is to decrease the time I spend on internet and if I succeed, the graph shown below should trend down.
My manager always like to see my work in the form of graphs and charts and animations, and I also find it quite interesting to see things in a trend rather than set of unconnected informations points and thats wht Levitt calls FREAKONIMICS.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Graph Blog

The big big world of blog....I find lot of useful information from blog and its always good to read through thought process.

Its always difficult to name things, people read through bulky books, just to name thier children, sure why not...a study by levitt, a professor of economics has concluded that children names have profound impact on thier behaviour. Companies hire consultants just to name thier companies, again it represents them but here naming a blog is pretty simple, as there is nothing at stake, atleast for me. I named it graphotatic since I plan to have a graph with every blog, sounds interesting to me, though I am also not sure at this point how would I do that :)

Let me just add a graph in the first blog, this graph is a typical bell shaped graph. The one that I am posting does not have much information, just a shape, I want to see whether all my future graphs will have the same shape ? Though I firmly believe it should ..................