Sunday, September 23, 2007


Habits are easier to form and difficult to break. Infact people form habits in big corporations and gradually those habits make the corporation. It is important therefore not only to check one's own habits but also of peers, subordinates etc. Normally it is not a big problem when you are working with the people within a region, because normally all the norms are agreed and accepted within the region. You see people around you drinking coffee throughout the day and you also start drinking coffee throughout the day :)

Problems might arise when people start increasingly interacting with people of different regions and nationality. It is hard to define who is following the right habit, because everyone thinks himself righteous. Therefore, in these kind of environment it is a good practice to develop standard methods or practices, best known methods and get them adopted everywhere. One has to have solid reasons when proposing a method and if accepted then it makes life easier for everyone. Also it developed the firm into a closer knitted firm where all the teams play at the level field and communication becomes much easier.

Anyhow, personally I tend to develop numerous habits, some I can list others I cannot :D And here goes the list

1) Drink lot of coffee
2) Give up on my regular exercise
3) Sleep for half an hour more after my alarm rings, although I might not be sleepy

4) Postpone my laundry, iron, haircut, gas fill, grocery
5) Work at home lying on bed, knowingly its not good for my eyes
6) Forget to brush before going to bed.

And lastly I formed this habit of not writing blogs and probably thats a reason why it took such a long time.

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