Saturday, October 6, 2007

Best Known Method (BKM)

I used to make tea everyday, Indian tea- with ingredients as milk, sugar, tea leaves and water. But everyday it used to taste different, sometimes I used to like it and at other times not. Probably I used to add more or less of one of the ingredients or probably used to heat treat inconsistently. Whatever, but the phenomena of the good and the bad tea went on for eons, with me making no efforts to pleasure my taste buds. But now if I think, a simple BKM (Best Known Method) would have been nothing but best.

So what is BKM, it is simple, to make tea with gauge-d recipe and keep changing until I get the right one. Make a note of the recipe and everyday use the same recipe. Probably use some special utensils to standardize as gauge and thats it. Its so simple !!!

I guess we can have BKM for everything, every single step that we follow. ..... and probably these BKM can give rise to one of the greatest, yet simplest of product.


Vivek Malewar said...

I beg to differ ..
If there's a BKM for everything .. then we wont discover anything new.. ever.

Say, you follow your BKM and find a really good tasting tea. Then, if you decide to make tea exactly that way at all times, you would never know that there was actually a better tasting tea possible with a different recipe.

There's the catch which I never understood .. it's the "Best Known Method". What if there's a better unknown method ? We will have to deliberately NOT follow the BKM to be able to find it! And that obviously makes me think... why was the BKM there in the first place?

Enjoy the catch-22 .. :D

Sameer Mathur said...

Vivek, Probably we wont discover anything but we will invent things. Discovery is one time evernt, kind of Eureka !! but invention is a phased event, we do little things improve upon it and it goes on.

If you take any product they were very simple at the begining and they evolve into more useful products, they become more complex. But we need to understand one thing. The phenomena that underlies the product is to make life easier, better and consistent. There has to be something that makes our current set of condition easier so that we can concentrate on higher level of problems and thats what good products do.

Well I do understand the context that you want to highlight, that is we need our life to be lively, to do new things in newer ways so that we dont have a monotonous boring life. :) I definitely agree

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