Monday, January 8, 2007

Information !!

Again going over the previous blog on internet, it striked me that internet is nothing but information.All kinds of information ..... good, bad and the ugly. But then again if google can provide all the information, then why do I have to call the call centre at times or have to go through some books ? Again, all these call centre executives are trained from some documents and always refer to some kind of documents, which means that there is information somewhere. Yes, there is information somewhere but probably not compiled or do not have a access to. Wait a minute, this means if somehow access is provided to all these kind of information then we dont need any human being to disseminate information no call centre jobs, no libraries, no book stores.
Well if we look over time, thirty years back my professors, then students used to go library, search literally page by page through abstracts of hundreds of journals, choose one that seemed relevent and call the call centre or send a letter to whereever and wait for it to arrive. Total time may be a month. After thirty years, key in a letter on the website of journal and download the relevent journal, take a print out and you are all set. Total time, may be 15 minutes. Take another example, I recently ordered a laptop from lenovo. What you have to do is go to the website choose what ever you want, key in your credit card information and thats it. No human interaction,information dissemination is perfect for decision making and executing the process. This means that this process has eliminated thousands of jobs related to call centre, the purpose of of all these jobs was to disseminate information. So as we move forward, I can see that most of the information can be obtained from internet. No more calls to customer care, where you have to wait for 30 minutes at times to get hold of a customerrepresentative. Probably we will have printers which can download the book we want, print it and generatea copy similar to what we get in a book store.

Call centre being a big industry in India will be non existent as compared to today, sometime in future.

Well does that means we sit in office and we will have all the information right in-front....quite not right.

I will go through in my next blog, what kind of information we wont be able to get on internet. And I guess that information would be worth a lot.

The graph below depicts the whole blog in one graph ie as we move forward information dissimination time would decrease

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