Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fly smart and stay ahead of Jet Lag

The topic is from a recent article from economic times, the link for which is below

It mentions some opinions which do not match with my opinion and findings (based on views of my friends from different countries)
The article mentions following points about jet lag management.

1) ET quotes : I
nterestingly, flying westwards usually causes less jet lag than flying eastwards. “It has been observed that people who travel against the time zone, as in from Europe or US to India, or India to China, the intensity of a jet lag related problem is higher,” says TK Banerjee, head, National Neuroscience Centre, Kolkata.

My opinion : When someone travel from one time zone to another, mostly he has some business/work related activities that he wants to accomplish, in such scenarios the person more than often is so busy with his business/work related activities that he does not feel the pinch of jet lag.
So a Indian going to west for business/work related activities does not feel the effect of jet lag and that holds true for a American/European going to East for Business/work related activities. So in summary a person going to foreign country does not feel the pinch of jet lag primarily because of
- Involvement with business/work related activities throughout the day and evening
- Excitement of going to a foreign country

I have felt this myself, ie if I go from one place to another in different time zone (irrespective of eastward or westward) and if I am busy, I don't have any jet lags. But if my schedule is not so tight then I can have jet lag, which can last as long as for two weeks.

2) ET quotes : If possible, medicos suggest arriving at the destination by late afternoon and avoiding early morning landings. This will ensure that the person can reach his/her place of stay and sleep.

My opinion : One definitely wants to avoid early morning landings since there might be meetings/appointments etc in the morning or during the afternoon, and flight delays/flight exertion can be a spoil sport. But late afternoon a day before is definitely a NO NO. Typically after we land, we spend next 2-5 hours, getting out of airport, reaching destination and checking in/settling in, meals etc., and then there is a strong desire to sleep, primarily because of exertion. So if someone lands in the afternoon, by evening he is fast asleep and then the night becomes difficult. So the ideal time would be evening, so that one can go to sleep just after dinner and wake up next morning, go for meetings/work etc.

3) ET quotes : “A week before the trip, the person should try to advance the sleeping time from say 11 pm to 8 pm in a phased manner. The person should also go out in the sun early in the morning and avoid bright light exposure in the evening,” Mr Ramasubban says. It is better to avoid sleeping pills during the flight.

My Opinion : Does not work. I personally have tried this, it depends a lot on what you do during the flight. Sometimes and for some people it is difficult to sleep during the flights, no matter how much tired or sleepy they are. So as soon as these people land the first thing that they do is to sleep. Typically even if a person is able to sleep during the trip, assuming he is on economy class, he is so exerted that he can easily take another 6-8 hours of sleep.
So the best thing to do, if you are reaching in the evening, is not to worry about what to do during the flight, stay relaxed, watch movie, play games, read novels, sleep etc.

But if you are reaching during the afternoon or morning, then good luck :)

4) ET quotes : Though several over-the-counter drugs may be available in foreign countries for jet lag, it is advisable to avoid them. However, one particular drug — melatonin — is prescribed across the globe to treat jet lag.

My opinion : I am not sure about drugs, since I have never used. But my friends tell me that it helps. So again good luck.

Some of the things that helps

- If possible for for a flat bed business class. You dont have to worry even if you are reaching in the morning :)
- If possible go for an airline which has least traffic, you might be lucky to get the 3-4 seats empty where you can stretch yourself.
- Prefer an airline with personal TV, so that you can manage your time effectively.
- Lastly and most importantly stay relaxed.
- For long flights of more than 15 hours, if possible take a break of 5-6 hours at transit station and have a nap/sleep/shower.

Well these are again primarily based on my views and my travel frequency across time zone difference of more than 8 hours is once per month, on an average and I am doing this from last 1 year.

Still I suffer from jet lags !!


Vivek Malewar said...

Something I found might seem amusing to you :) :)

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